We all have a purpose. Call it your soul’s journey. It’s a unique path that is meant for you to find and follow. Since the beginning of time, humans have been asking the questions, “Why am I here?” “What’s my purpose?” “Who am I?”.
These questions are personal as we are unique. We have gifts to share with the world. We have dreams and visions that come from our imagination and heart. You are going through your life. No one, not even your closest family members can truly understand how you feel in your body, mind and soul. It’s a unique experience.
When it comes to our purpose, it’s helpful to remember that you have the answers within. I like to describe that each of us has our own treasure map hidden within us. When we were born, just like an astrologer can chart which planets were in the sky, we have our purpose that is within us. Our intuition and soul is well aware of the course. It’s up to our body, energy and mind to listen to the messages that are coming from within.
What happens when our mind and especially our ego tries to answer the question?
We might compare ourselves to someone else’s path, judgement occurs, limiting beliefs could pop up because we are using our mind to guide us. The mind is interested in what it sees, tastes, hears, touches, smells. The ego is very concerned with how we look, how we are perceived by others, how we fit in with the crowd. The mind and ego are powerful forces that are not only useful but necessary in our life. But perhaps purpose comes from a different place.
Your path is illuminated by your actions, day in and day out. It’s not just about where you are going, where you are working, where you live. It’s more than that. Tap into what brings you positive energy. Notice where you feel the most fulfilled. Where do you feel like your most authentic self? Look back to when you were kid and a teenager.
What did you enjoy doing? Don’t think about the paycheck. Look at where you want to spend your time. Even if you are exhausted from everyday life, you still have energy to spend doing something that brings you joy.
Our purpose might not be glamorous. One person’s path might be to be the best parent they can be because they are raising the next president, inventor, philosopher. One of the many lessons that come from yoga include that we are all connected. By helping one person, we help ourselves. Think of the greatest teachers that walked our world. Their purpose was to uplift humanity.
We are all unique and we bring many gifts to our families, friends, jobs and community. Your purpose in life might not look like anyone else. It’s important to spend time with yourself, listening to your intuition, asking yourself the questions that will confirm if you are on your track. No one else can answer this for you.
Life is an exciting and challenging experience. Keep asking yourself about your purpose and then quiet the mind to listen.
