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Vision Boarding

There is a saying that everything in this world is first created in the heart. The heart center is a powerful force that filters all the energies that exist. From the whole spectrum, the heart feels love and hate, acceptance and jealousy, connection and seclusion. 

It’s in the heart that we begin to visualize a different scenario for our life. When we dream and yearn, the heart feels that energy. Then if the energy is strong enough, if the timing is right, if all the pieces start to fall together, we use our mind and resources to start building what we desire. 

There is a practice I’d like to share with you that can help you build the dreams and ideas your heart is creating. Have you ever created a vision board? What is a vision board? 

A vision board is a physical object that helps you stay focused on what your heart, mind and intuition are asking you to create in your life. 

I had a vision board in my office many years ago. It included photos of my yoga teachers, positive sayings like FEAR (False. Evidence. Appearing. Real), photos of beautiful sandy beaches and crystal blue waters. This represented a time in my life when I wanted to build my yoga career. I was dreaming of leading retreats at the beach. I also needed the reminder that my fear shouldn’t hold me back. 

Fast forward and I no longer work in that office. I have my yoga business and while I’m still a little fearful, it’s not powerful enough to stop me. 

Years later, my latest vision board included photos of fresh vegetables and fruit because I wanted to juice more, a postcard from Delta because I wanted to fly more to teach and lead retreats, an image of a Greek goddess statue because I wanted to embrace my body and love it and a photo I took of a piece of artwork with the saying Scared All The Time But Doing It Anyway. 

I realized the other day it’s time to change the vision board. All those images and messages were during a time in my life when I was fresh in the entrepreneur world and guiding myself to greater health - inside and out.  

But as I look at my current board, I don’t get inspired or pumped because that energy I wanted is now with me. I’ve been working on it! I’ve been juicing for over 3 years and while I’m still a bit scared, I’m not really scared. I have a better connection and trust that everything will work out. 

So I’m busy this week creating a new vision board. I’m looking ahead to the next 5 years and asking myself what does my heart want to create? Where do I want to go and how do I want to live? What’s the energy that matters right now? 

I invite all of us to create a vision board. You can use a push pin board or even just a piece of paper. Maybe use an app on your phone and use the photo as your screensaver. You can use photos of people, places, things that you desire. You can use words and sayings. Be creative. Listen to your heart and ask yourself: 

What kind of energy do you want in your life 5 years from now? What do you want to create in your life? Where do you want to go? What reminders do you need? 

Then collect the images, words, places and things and put it together. Perhaps make a folder on your phone or computer and start collecting images that inspire you. Then print them out. Make sure you can see your vision board daily. We need to be reminded because the mind loves to remind us. If we allow the mind to remind us of our past, let the mind remind us of what we want for our future. 

In a few years from now, you will look at your board and realize you are now living in the energy your heart once desired. The only thing constant in life is change. Make your dreams your reality! 


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