I’m always listening to music. I love the way certain styles and rhythms make me feel. I listen to everything from rock and roll, to the blues, Americana, country, classical and when I was younger lots of old school hip hop and reggae. Music makes me happy.
I experienced a sound healing session many years ago in Tulum, Mexico. We were all laying down and the musicians took over the space. There were certain beats of the drum that would make my body bounce. Literally. I could stop the bouncing by holding myself stiff but I wanted to release whatever it was that was in me. I didn’t understand it at the time as I was embarrassed by the involuntary movement but I was also very intrigued. Years later, I attended a sound bath which are now very popular and most yoga studios offer them. I spoke in depth with the teacher who made me feel safe to let whatever energy I was holding onto, release.
I believe in music. I believe in vibrations and frequencies. I study the energy centers called chakras and I’ve witness and realized shifts, miracles, openings and magic by focusing my awareness to expanding my consciousness.
Selecting the music for the Yoga Nidra album was a process. I needed to find the right frequency. Not too fast, not too slow. There are a set of frequencies called Solfeggio. These are ancient musical tones that are believed to have healing properties. They have been used in various cultures and spiritual traditions for centuries. The Solfeggio frequencies are based on the six-tone scale, derived from the Gregorian chants.
After listening to the six primary Solfeggio frequencies, I choose the 528 Hz as a proper fit for Yoga Nidra. Known as the "Love Frequency," this frequency is associated with miracles, DNA repair, and transformation. It's believed to promote harmony, balance, and healing on a cellular level.
I found a study from Tokyo, Japan. This study examined the stress-reducing effect on the endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system of music with a frequency of 528 Hz. They had nine healthy participants (one man and eight women, aged 26 - 37 years) who listened to 528 Hz and standard 440 Hz music on separate days. They measured salivary bio-markers of stress (cortisol, chromogranin A, and oxytocin) before and after exposure to music, and continuously recorded the activity of the autonomic nervous system.
In the 528 Hz condition, mean levels of cortisol significantly decreased, chromogranin A tended to decrease, and oxytocin significantly increased after music exposure. However, no significant change was observed in any salivary biomarkers in the 440 Hz condition.
Tension-anxiety and Total Mood Disturbance scores were significantly reduced after exposure to 528 Hz music, while there was no significant difference following 440 Hz music. These results suggest that the influence of music on the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system varies depending on the frequency of the music, and furthermore, that 528 Hz music has an especially strong stress-reducing effect, even following only five minutes of exposure.
Sound healing works through the mind-body connection. The soothing sounds can help quiet the mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of inner peace. This relaxation response can have profound effects on physical health, such as lowering blood pressure, reducing muscle tension, and boosting the immune system.
Yoga Nidra is a relaxing practice that can restore energy in the body and mind. I used this practice for many years to help me during very stressful times in my life. I can speak from experience how Yoga Nidra is a healing practice. My intention of blending Yoga Nidra with 528 Hz music is to bring total rejuvenation to the practitioner. To open up the heart space and release unnecessary stress. To feel better from the inside out.
Meditation heals. Music heals. We can heal.
Akimoto, K., Hu, A.L., Yamaguchi, T. and Kobayashi, H. (2018) Effect of 528 Hz Music on the En- docrine System and Autonomic Nervous System. Health, 10, 1159-1170. https://doi.org/10.4236/health.2018.109088
