This is my motto for the past 23 years.
I remind myself to take one step at a time, sometimes just one breath at a time.

Kate Kuss is the creator and founder of Soul & Steady Yoga Parlour. Offering daily online classes and content, knowledgeable trainings to inspire teachers and yoga philosophy for the modern mind.
Soul & Steady is a blend of power yoga, classical hatha, yin, meditation and philosophy.
With over 1,700 hours of yoga training, 700 hours of meditation training, 100 hours of classical mat pilates training and teaching both students and teachers for almost 15 years, Kate inspires her students to look within and realize how a dedicated practice leads to a balanced and beautiful life.
200 hours with Kay Kay Clivio and Alanna Kaivalya- December 2010
100 hours mentor ship with Kay Kay Clivio – January 2011
20 hours of Restorative with Mary Aranas – July 2011
300 hours of Advanced Yoga Studies and Philosophy with Dr. John Campbell – December 2011
50 hours of Hot Power Training with Loren Bassett and Tanya Boulton – January 2013
Heart of a Yogi Tour in India – September 2013
100 hours of Meditation Training Level 1 with Yogi Charu – October 2013
25 hours Yin Yoga Training with Ulrica Norberg – November 2013
21 hours Forrest Yoga Continuing Education with Erica Mather – March 2014
100 hour mentor ship with Yogi Charu – Winter/Spring 2014
Hands on Assists with Ulrica Norberg – June 2014
100 hours of Meditation Training Level 2 with Yogi Charu – October 2014
30 hours Yin Yoga Training with Corina Benner – February 2015
30 hours Adjustment Intensive with David Regelin – February 2015
Yin Weekend Immersion with Paulie Zink – June 2015
25 Yin Yoga Advanced Training with Ulrica Norberg – Summer 2015
22 hours Yoga Nidra ISHTA Teacher Training with Mona Anand – September 2015
40 hours Power Yoga + Meditation Teacher Training with Bryan Kest – November 2015
Prana Vidya Meditation Training with Yogi Charu – April 2016
18 hours Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga Teacher Training with Jessica Bellofato – July 2017
15 hours Yoga Nidra Level 1 with Dr. Nick Atlas – February 2018
300 hours Advanced Lifestyle of a Yogi Hatha and Meditation Teacher Training with Yogi Charu – November 2018
12 hours Giving Gold with Heather Lilleston - September 2020
20 hours Jyotish Level 1 with Margaret Mahan - January 2021
Currently: 70 hours Living Tantra with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD – Ongoing 2020
100 Hours Classical Mat Pilates Certification - Real Pilates, NYC 2024

My teachers:
My parents are my first teachers. I honor their guidance, compassion and love that they continue to shower upon me.
Yogi Charu – Yogi Charu is pure light. He is a true guru and he is my meditation and spiritual guide. Check out his website for guided meditations and philosophy classes.
Bryan Kest – Bryan is awesome. He asks his students to do less, not more. He is my asana teacher and every time I take his class, I feel like I am home.
Swami Brahmananda - With the Sivananda Lineage, Swami Brahmananda teaches me Vedanta. Grateful
Kay Kay Clivio – Kay Kay showed me the way to my path. She's a strong light in this world.
Paulie Zink - The Yin master who sees the unbound potential in every single person. He is so kind.
Joshua Greene – Author of Gita Wisdom, Joshua Greene teaches me about the Bhagavad Gita. Check out his weekly podcasts at Gita Wisdom.
Amazing people, places & shops:​
Madhura Studios - New studio in Gowanus, BK where we'll hold live Soul & Steady experiences! Check it out! ​
The Well is a wellness retreat with a location in New York City. Come for a class, stay for lunch, book a spa service and more.
Yoga Wake Up is an app that replaces your alarm clock with yoga and meditation, straight from bed. I have recordings of Yin and grounding meditations.
Starr Therapy is an approachable therapy group that is modern, available and from the heart interested. I recorded meditation videos for their community. I highly recommend them.
Haus of Hanz – Check out my best friend's beautifully curated shop for amazing and earth conscious products. Check out his site or visit his store in Brooklyn, NY.
Pound Jewelry is special. Crystals, gems, and more.
Divya Alter – Divya devotes her life to living in balance. If you want to learn how to cook Indian/Ayurvedic food, check her out. She also has a great restaurant, Divya’s Kitchen, in the East Village of NYC.
Mateo Kest - Mateo took the many amazing photos you see on my website while in Costa Rica on a yoga retreat with his dad, Bryan. Mateo is an artist and you should follow him on IG.
Michelle Goldstein – I met Michelle in Santa Monica and she restored my faith in power yoga. I couldn’t give up on Power Yoga after I took her class.
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
J.J. Cale
The Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
Allman Brothers Band
The Kills
Johnny Cash
Slim Harpo
The Doors
Garth Stevenson
Cari Cari
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Bob Marley

YOGA Studios:
Atlanta - Tough Love Yoga. Snakes and skulls on the wall and a very welcoming community.
Florida - The Yoga Haus. Marie is pure gold. I met her years ago at a Bryan Kest training and we bonded. She’s a true yogi. I haven’t been to her studio yet but I trust it’s amazing just like she is.
New York -Madhura Studios - Come as you are and get ready to be inspired. Verayoga - A hot yoga joint. Find your flow. Tangerine Yoga downtown Brooklyn cool where you can sweat, release and feel the love.
Ohio - GoYoga in Columbus, OH. I’ve been traveling to this studio for the past few years to teach trainings and I just love them. A great team and community. Namaste Yoga, Cleveland Community! They love to laugh and be real!
Pennsylvania - Himalayan Institute is my spiritual home. I lead retreats and planting the seed to do trainings there. Swami Rama’s energy is felt! Fairy Moon - My momma teaches there! Native Yoga I love the energy. It’s real.
Vienna, Austria - Yogakula is an established warm yoga studio in the heart of Vienna’s most famous district. I love meeting new people when I teach there.